« Three Circles To Desistance » (3C2D)
The CéSURE programme from Temporal Identity Model (TIM-E) /
Good Lives Model (GLM) applied to radicalism and extremist terrorism
The SYGMA project (2016-2020) aims to “support national and transnational projects on criminal justice responses to prevent radicalisation leading to terrorism and violent extremism” (ref: JUST-JCOO-TERR-AG-2016).
This is a great opportunity for media sharing, training, and supervision with the help of Europe, with a view to harmonizing of treatment methods in Europe.
“CéSURE” program (called 3C2D: 3 Circles to Desistance) is implanted in correctional and community services in Belgium, Italy and France.
The 3 professional circles of treatment correspond to I) restorative and educational styles, II) rehabilitative methods and III) evaluation process. CéSURE is linked to practices from the European Probation Rules.
CéSURE tools and programme are based on Temporal Identity Model & Experiencing (TIM-E), a criminological application with the Good Lives Model (GLM).