Manuals & Tools

All documents and tools have been revised according “3C2D research”. The translation has been reported after final revision in linking with scientific results (English, Italian, Dutch, French).

Temporal Identity Model (TIM-E, Dieu, 2016, Dieu, & al., 2019) is a structured model for developing of offender’s future projects.

McFLY Tool:

Support for Temporal perspectives Interviewing (TI).


Support for Good Life Plan Interviewing (GFP-I).


Support for Emotional Stabilization Interviewing (regulation of memories) (ESI).

FRED VR app (English, Italian, Dutch, French -16 languages):

Good Life Plan and Temporal perspectives interviewing in Virtual Reality.

CeSURE “group sessions handbook” (22 sessions) & “individual sessions handbook” (14 sessions – 28 exercises):

support for rehabilitative intervention on risk and protective factors regarding extremist terrorism and radicalisation.
4 modules (group and individual sessions):
M1: identity and readiness
M2: self-regulation of needs and cognitive restructuration M3: emotional and relational skills
M4: futures perspectives.


Support for the evaluation of risk and protective factors regarding extremist terrorism and radicalisation

ATLAS Tool (only Italian & French): 

Support for the preparation of Restorative Justice sessions.


This tool is an inventory of clinical symptoms of the subject regarding his thoughts, emotions, behaviours and social impact to assess the quality of life of the subject.

You will find the manuals under the following links:

French manuals Italian manuals Ducth manuals