
Initial training about positive criminology (visio) –in french- (20H)

10 talks (2 hours) : positive criminology, self-regulation model (SRM), integrative theory of sexual offending (ITSO), Good Lives Model (GLM), dynamic risk factors (DRF) and protective/agency model (PAMP), multifactorial offender readiness model (MORM), desistance and Temporal Identity Model (TIM-E), Advence Chilhood Events (ACE) and adaptative information process (AIP) in criminology and victimology…

TIM-E (fr. GLM) methods training and supervisions

TIM-E  training

• Know the GLM TIM-E and its specific applications with offenders and victims
• Support the client through a dynamic of mental time travel
• Apply to TIM-E protocols
• Master the strategies and methods of individual support of the TIM-E protocols
• Master the strategies and methods of group support of the TIM-E protocols

• TIM-E / GLM ** (0.5d or 3h)
o Model and theoretical concepts
o Specific protocols
o Tools from GLM TIM-E model

• basis methods of interviewing **(3.5 days or 21h)
o SPHERES / McFLY Life plans and time perspectives
o NEO / TRINITY – General evaluation
o BANER / C2Vie Stabilization of emotions and reprocessing of memories

• groupal and individual interviewing **(4 days or 24 hours)
o Module: Identity and Motivation
o Module: Values ​​and beliefs
o Module: Relational and emotional skills
o Module: Future perspectives

** training content delivered remotely (visio)
* Supervisions can be ordered elsewhere.

ARCA trainer (s)

Training and technical resources
Training support documents (Manuals); Theoretical presentations; Case study ; Support documents (Manuals) made available in PDF format following the training.

Evaluation of training results
Timesheet ; Satisfaction questionnaire

– Individual registration: € 1 280
– Registration funded by employer: € 1 425

TIM-E consulting
Clinical cases consulting (group)
Clinical cases with methods and tools from TIM-E
8H for General methods (Level 1)
8H Modules 1, 2, 3, 4 (Level 2)

« TIM-E practitioner » access
Level 1 and Level 2 trainings & 16H of group consulting achieved
Clinical analysis report & 2H of invididual final consulting
Send of field with adhesion

Masterclass trainings (opened)
Evaluation of Radicalisation process – Tool ESPERE : 2 days (or 1 day for TIM-E practitioner)
Good Life Plan and future perspectives with Virtual Reality- Tool FRED : 3 days (or 1 day for TIM-E practitioner)
Evaluation of psychological needs and support for emotional stabilization – Tools INDICE et BANER : 3 days (or 1 day for TIM-E practitioner)

Masterclass consultings:
Clinical cases with methods and tools from Masterclass – 2H of group consulting